Connect with your future workforce.

Skills Ready is an industry-led initiative developed by the Construction Foundation of BC to increase awareness of careers in the skilled trades by equipping students with the Attitude, Skills and Knowledge required for a successful career in industry.


The Right Attitude, Skills & Knowledge

Through consultation with industry and educators across the province, having the right attitude, skills and knowledge were identified as the three core expectations of young people as they start out in the workforce.  This concept of three core attributes is shared with students as the Industry ASK.

Through guided discussion and activity, students are introduced to the various ways that they can develop and demonstrate that they have the Industry ASK.  The Rubric is one tool that is used in classrooms and on worksites across the province to initiate discussion around what is and isn’t acceptable work behavior.

What can you do?

There are several ways you can provide an exploration opportunity for high school students who are interested in skilled trades careers.


Our Industry Talks take place in classrooms and gymnasiums across the province. The Talks are quick paced and provide students with real world information on the various kinds of trades and job options available to them in the industry, as well as what it means to be safe on the worksite.

Showcase Events & Site Tours

We also hold events in the schools that bring employers and students together. One of our first Showcase Events brought employers into the Explore A Trade class at Salmon Arm Secondary to view the students' year end projects and potentially make a summer hire! Read more about this event on our blog.
Site Tours provide students with an opportunity to “reverse showcase” and see and experience a construction site.

Work Experience

Did you know that some students may be eligible to receive high school credits for work experience? If you are interested in taking on a student, we can help connect you with the right people.

Get Connected

Connect with our Career Catalysts to explore ways that you can become a part of the Skills Ready community as we work together to build the next generation of industry professionals.

  • Skills Ready clearly demonstrates how to support youth into the trades via a collaboration of industry, educators, community and government. Over the past two years the initiative has been active in our region and since its launch, the Southern Interior Construction Association has been a strong supporter. Its innovative delivery model allows industry to get involved in the development of our future workforce in new ways. We look forward to the continued growth and expansion of Skills Ready over the coming years.
    Jason Henderson, CEO of the Southern Interior Construction Association
  • Its hard to get teenagers and parents to pay attention to what’s possible. In this market, we’d hire 100 before they graduate, even if it meant we only got 10 good ones. Working with Construction Ready we were able to find Keegan who has been a great asset to our company. Projects like this are a critical way that industry can help change perspectives and promote solid, reliable jobs into the future. It’s an opportunity to connect with high school teachers and students that we aren’t otherwise getting.
    Rod Parker, Parker Johnston, Victoria BC
  • “Thanks to the trades I have always been had enough to provide for myself, friends and family; included being afforded the opportunity to travel and live throughout BC. Now firmly established in my construction career the Construction Ready initiative has provided me the privilege of sharing my experiences with the next generation. I wish someone like me presented to me in high school.”
    Doug Paterson, Farmer Construction, Victoria, BC