Looking for activities you can tackle from home? Below is a selection of projects that are perfect for a home setting; these could be the activities you’re looking for!
1. Open School – Keep Learning
The Ministry of Education has put together a series of resources to help parents during this time of distant learning. This site offers a collection of resources to help support learning while families are home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the suspension of in-class instruction. Please note that it will be updated frequently as they identify more resources and new information to share.
2. Mike Holmes – 5 DIY Projects You Can Do At Home
“When you start to spend more time at home, you can really get to know the imperfections or just those things that drive you crazy. If you’re anything like me, you’ll start making your wish list of projects – and find that it never ends.” – Mike Holmes
Take a look at Mike’s list of five projects that you can tackle around the house now that you are spending an increased amount of time helping to Flatten The Curve.
3. James Dyson Foundation Challenges
Courtesy of the James Dyson Foundation and Dyson engineers, you can download a free set of 44 engineering and science experiments, all of which demonstrate basic principles of science and physics, and are buildable with common household items including balloons, plastic bottles, dish soap, and eggs.
Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children. Ideal for home or in the classroom, they encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering.
We’d love to hear what resources you are using to adapt to these changing times while keeping yourself and those closest to you engaged. For additional projects and resources, please visit the Skills Ready Projects website at www.projects.skillsready.ca!